

International Shipping and Tracking Service

GlobalPost is a company that provides international package shipping and tracking services. Their goal was to create an easy to use custom map interface that helps users track the status of their packages in the system, and see the current location and destination of their package.

web development


project management


Armed with the new tracking page requirements provided by the client and a WordPress marketing site to build on, we tackled designing and developing the interactive package locator to be seamlessly integrated with the existing site and design. This included designing screens for mobile and responsive layouts.

Our developers implemented the tracking ID search functionality with the user interface to talk to the shipping API so that it would return and display the correct location and status for that package. Progress states and error states were also integrated to give the appropriate indicators to the user. After a thorough round of QA testing and bug fixing we deployed the new tracking feature to the live site.

We are passionate about every idea - big or small, that could be transformed into the realization of a vision.


Addition of a powerful new feature to the GlobalPost website that allows users to see where their shipments are in real-time
Users can track their packages easily from any device they are using
More user traffic and engagement
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